Thursday, May 5

The Sick Ward

This past week my poor babies have been down with a cold. It sure seemed to take it's time coming and going! Trent caught it first, then passed it to Caylyn who passed it to me (though I was sure to get it because we did a LOT of snuggling!). Snuggling is just about the only good thing that comes from being sick... :) Thankfully, Chad never caught it!

There wasn't much I could do, either. The vaporizer ran non-stop and I gave them baby Tylenol when they ran fevers... thankfully, they usually only required Mommy-time to make them feel better.

We did have a few fun/funny moments amongst the misery.

Caylyn and I were snuggling on the couch and Trent decided to go play in their room. A few minutes later he emerged wearing his sister's Easter hat! I laughed so hard!

Anticipating a rainy week, I made some homemade finger paint for Caylyn. Just cornstarch, water and food coloring and she was ready for some messy fun! This recipe was fine for a small child, but wouldn't work for older children who would actually draw pictures. It was quite thick and jello-like, but she had fun!

It started out nice and neat...

... but soon turned into quite the mess! To make it even better, I tossed in a chocolatey beater from making Chad's birthday cake.

We are all on the mend now and should soon be back to our normal selves. The kids seem to have their energy returning quicker than I, today should be better!

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