Monday, September 12

First Day of School

Caylyn and Josiah (a 2 year old boy we babysit) are starting "school" today. We had started a little last spring, but with the craziness of summer all organized learning took a back seat. A friend at church loaned me her K-4 ACE curriculum with coloring pages, teacher guide, activities and character development. Now, we are doing this with a 2 year old and 3 year old so it will be MUCH smaller scale and only about an hour each morning.

Tentative schedule:

8:00 Opening Prayer, pledge, Bible verse
8:10 Bible Story
8:20 Letter of the Week (A) and alphabet flash cards
8:35 Number of the week (1 and 2)
8:45 Character Development exercise
8:55 Game

I'm just looking for a little structure to teach them how to sit still and focus. It's 8 a.m. so here we go!

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