Thursday, January 5

Home Notebook

Over the past few weeks, I've been decluttering and organizing our home... using the sheer motivation that a new year brings! I don't make resolutions, but I do step back and take a look at my life and our family. Searching for ways to improve. There's always room for improvement, right?

Right after Christmas I sorted out toys, clothes, etc. and sent them away. Don't you just LOVE getting rid of stuff?!

After this mass exodus of "stuff" I just pondered for awhile. I love all things neat and orderly and clean. Sometimes to a fault. God wants us to have a home pleasing to Him, a haven for our families, a place for children to make memories. However, He doesn't want us to spend every waking moment cleaning and organizing our homes! Two things have really helped my thinking in this area:

1) this website is fantastic for every woman... stay-at-home mom, working mom, wife, or single lady. You start with baby steps, getting into a routing, decluttering a little at a time, setting timers, etc. I'll admit that I've started before then stopped, thinking it wasn't applicable to my lifestyle. I've smartened up a little since then. (Maybe.) Just do a little at a time, and don't worry about the rest. It will be there tomorrow.

2) My home notebook- Were you wondering if I was ever going to get to that? Having everything in one centralized location saves tons of time! Time that can be spent playing with little ones, reading a book or chatting with a friend.

I've had my home notebook for several months now, but it was in dire need of reconstruction. That has been my major project this week. If you are looking for ideas on the organization of a home notebook this is a great resource. I've used her basic breakdown and adapted it to our family. This book is my brain and I'm so happy to have it cutesy and ready to think! Here's a peak at mine...


First Section: Household

Daily Routine- My "Baby Steps" from FLYlady plus my childrens' routines
Menu Planning- Monthly Calendar ready to be filled in (tomorrow's project!)
Housework- FLYlady Zone Lists
Home Improvements- A place where I can jot down new ideas and projects

Second Section: Planner

Birthday and Anniversary Tickler
Gift Log- to keep track of gifts given to family and friends
Thank-You Note Log- to keep track of thank-you notes to write
Entertaining- Event planning and hostessing

Third Section: Family (I love this section!)

Church Directory
Phone Numbers- Important numbers all in one place
Emergency Info- Contact info, doctor info, etc.
Financial Planning- to keep track of what comes in and goes out each month
Celebrations- to plan special family occasions and holidays
Ministry Ideas
Goals- Lists of goals for our family and children

Fourth Section: Personal

Bible Study- where I can track my Bible reading, memorization, and develop lessons/devotionals
Cakes and Crafts- Where I can jot down ideas, tips, and earnings
Blog Ideas- Where I can jot down, well, blog ideas!

Like anything else, this is a work in progress. While I'm thrilled to have it re-vamped, I know that I'll be adding to it. I hope this encourages you to make one for yourself! If you'd like any of my templates, just shoot me an e-mail and I'll be glad to share.

Happy organizing!


Unknown said...

I had one of these for a long time, then neglected it, and now its history...thanks for reminding me of how helpful this was!!! I have to get one organized again!! I would love some templates if you want to share :-)
Your book looks great! And thank you for the nice big comment earlier...yes, we really gotta chat about that. I loved the movie and the reason we watched it to begin with was because we were trying to make a lot of those changes already.
Well, have a great weekend and let me know if u guys want to come stay soon!!!

Unknown said... I woukd love to share my alfredo recipe but i have no idea what it is....Hahaha. I know what i put In It but I have no idea how much, Im used to doing it for so long i have no idea about the measurements.... I could guess and say 2cups of 1/2 and 1/2 in a saucepan, 1/3 stick of butter, 1/2 block of cream.cheese, mayne a little less , warm it all until melted together, and parmesan cheese (shredded or grated, grated Is easier and faster), whisk while the cheese melts, add about a tsp. Of black pepper and garlic powder. basically just add the amount of cheese that looks like a good consistency.
so sorry i couldnt be more helpful :(
U can text or email with any questions!