Wednesday, April 13

Day 1: Disaster

So our first official day of school (with a curriculum) was a DISASTER! Monday morning we had some errands to run so school didn't happen until after nap-time. Ideally, I want to do school with Caylyn while Trent is taking a morning nap. Ideally.

Caylyn was not interested in sitting down to learn and Trent was curious and wanted in on the action... which only frustrated Caylyn even more! Finally, I was able to engage Caylyn in a learning game with crayons and Trent was sitting in my lap looking at a book. Whew. After we managed to cover the few things we needed to cover, we watched a PBS documentary on cows. The kids were only able to handle a few minutes before then were distracted, but I found it quite interesting. Namely, the fact that cows are the most useful animals as you can use everything from them for survival. Also, did you know that Henry Ford got the idea for an assembly line from slaughter houses? It also made me never want to buy meat from the store! Industrialized feed lots house several thousand cows at a time and they have to give the cows antibiotics to keep disease from wiping them all out. They are grain fed to fatten them quickly so they can be sent to market. I would much rather have meat from a cow who is able to graze on it's own. Someday... maybe... we'll have a cow or two of our own! The are quite social creatures and good in nature... AND Caylyn LOVES cows! By the way, that's the animal we are learning about in school this week. :)

Yesterday was better and we have blue, yellow, and green down. Now we are working on writing the letter "A" and the number "1". Fun, fun!

1 comment:

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Yay for cow fun! :) Lots of learning fun. :)

I am with you on the way the poor dear animals are treated. They deserve to be looked after in the way they were meant to be raised.