Friday, April 8

Starting Early


Caylyn started school. We set aside a time each morning to learn. Since she's only 2 its a very short time. :) Today we started with the letter "A" and the number 1. She was SO excited when I showed her how to write an "A"! She giggled with delight as I helped her trace it. We also learned the colors blue, green, and yellow. She was quite partial to blue. We both loved our first day!! Next week I'm actually going to try a free curriculum I found online for 2-4 year olds. It basically lays out lesson plans for each day and follows the same theme for a week. The first week we are learning about cows! YAY! She already LOVES cows! We are also learning the letter "A", the number 1, and a square. It should be a lot of fun! Trent tried to get in on the action, so I let him color a little which led to playing peek-a-boo with his color sheet and eating his crayon. Boys!!!

We also went outside today and Caylyn felt the need to jump in every mud puddle in sight! Of course. We went for a walk and I put Trent in the Cozy Coupe (from Nana and Papa). He loves riding!! He laughs and yells the whole time!! The weather was beautiful today, but I must say that I'll be happy when all this mud is gone. :) It will soon be time to put all the winter clothes away and bring out the short sleeves! YAY!!!

Caylyn looking at her colored picture.

Trent playing peek-a-boo!

Laughing together... so cute.


Mama Teaching 3 said...

Very sweet, my cousin! :) They are so blessed to have you home teaching them. :) I look forward to reading along. :)

Unknown said...

So cute! Thanks for sharing....