Monday, April 11

Where did the Weekend Go?!

I just blinked and it was gone. Sniff, sniff. It was a good weekend though. Bright and early Saturday morning we headed to Bangor to visit with Gramma and Grampa. We did some shopping and then they took us out to eat at Uno. Yummy! We also went to Marden's (my first time to the one in Brewer) and my head is STILL SPINNING! I was so excited because I finally found dress shoes for Trent for $3.99. I refuse to pay more than $5 for a pair of shoes they'll outgrow in just a few months.

On our way home we stopped in Lincoln to visit a few of the girls from my Sunday School class. We only caught 3 at home, but it was still so good to visit with them outside of Sunday School. On a side note, all the girls are really great. They are attentive and ask really good questions. Pray for them, that they will have a desire to learn about the Lord. They asked if we could read through the whole Bible in Sunday school! We've compromised and are going through each of the stories from Genesis to Revelation. It's a great study for ALL of us!

Sunday is always busy with church and it was a good day in the Lord's house. The weather was SO beautiful that we went for a walk after the kids' naps. We tromped through the mud and snow, but it was still fun! I was also able to hang some clothes to dry on my new clothes line! (Thanks, hunny!) It's going to be great to save some money this summer...

Enjoy some pics from our walk!

New clothes line :)

Cozy in the coupe

He can never resist climbing a tree!

She's trying to figure out how to get on the swing without falling in the puddle.

A stream that runs under the road.

We have to stop and look at the "water" every time we go for a walk!

On the run...


Mama Teaching 3 said...

How precious! I see so much in common with your young family compared to ours through the years. :) What a beautiful place to call home!

Enjoy the clothes line. I love the one that Matthew's father bought and put up for me. :) It is so special.

Unknown said...

Amanda....Yay!!! I am so glad that you are blogging. The kiddos are soooo precios!! I am going to go add your blog to mine right now so I can visit your blog with a quick click of a button, I am so excited to read more. Well, have a blessed day and week!

Unknown said...

Hey...question...I CANNOT figure out for the life of me, how to make the tabs appear at the top of my blog. I always thought it was because people had a different blog account, but you have blogger and your tabs are there, HOW????? Please send me a quick comment or email ( , that would be awesome, thanks so much for your help. I have been blogging for 5 years and have never figured it out! GO you!

Unknown said...

figured it out...hahaha! Sorry for the big long posts here, I am really clogging up your comment page :)