Friday, December 23

Christmas: Day 7

Today (actually yesterday) I am thankful for the Mother that the Lord has given me. I love to reminisce of childhood Christmases, especially all of the traditions we established growing up. My most favorite of all is the tradition of making treats and delivering them to friends and family on Christmas Eve and looking at Christmas lights on the way. We've made this tradition our own with our children and I hope it will be a dear part of their Christmases, too. My mom was so patient with all four of us... homeschooling us, raising us, refereeing us, and all of those "mom" duties. I constantly refer to her example as I strive to raise my children for the Lord.

This Christmas I am focusing on giving the Lord my Mind. Thinking of a gift the Lord has given me and then something I can give to him has really focused my Mind during this busy time. Even if I don't get it posted here each day, I am constantly thinking of it throughout the day. I pray that this will continue throughout the year, as well.

The last two days have been filled with baking for our Christmas goodie boxes. This year's contents are:

Martha Washingtons (if you're family, you'll understand completely).
Pumpkin cookies (Mamaw's recipe)
Chocolate Chip Cookies ( Mom's award-winning recipe)
Peppermint Bark
Peanut Butter Fudge (Mom's recipe, but can anyone really make it like mom?)

1 comment:

Erin said...

oh my, my, martha washingtons! i make them at christmas as i did this year. they are my favorite and so i had to give most of them away so i didn't single handidly eat them all. my family doesn't eat them quick enough.
your goodie box looks delicious.